Thursday, May 22, 2008

Do you come here often?

Has that ever happened to you? The silly ice breaker at the bar or perhaps in the produce section at the local grocery store usually has the unsuspecting recipient squirming and contorting uncontrollably. And what for? All because of bad communication – no information to build a meaningful conversation on. So do something for all FanBox members and tell us something about yourself. Don’t be coy (unless you think it’s intriguing). Simply go to your profile and fill out the About Me section. Remember, the more detailed you are about who you are and what you like, the less “corny” the one liners and messages you get (or at least I think that will happen).

For example, in my About Me section, I wrote “I like fast cars and fast women, that’s why they call me the cruiser.” Well, not really. I like just about anyone but if you’re a movie fanatic, you may recognize this one liner from the great flick Stripes (early 80s comedy featuring Bill Murray and John Candy – RIP). Perhaps something different like what I wrote might inspire some genuine conversation … or maybe not … but at least you get a better glimpse of who I am and what I am interested in. Why don’t you update your About Me section too. Do it quickly, there’s a ton of cool members waiting to dazzle you.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

FanBox Email!

Hey guys, get what we just launched overnight?!?!? Our first updated version of FanBox Email!

Have you noticed that the application is no longer on your profile, but rather pops up when you click "Email Inbox" in your upper task bar?

There are tons of new improvements. You can now view upwards of 50 contacts on one page, do bulk editing from one screen without having to redirect to anyone's page, and edit the names of your contacts. You may also notice that "FanMail" also now appears in the header. This is where you can find all of your personal messages, comments, pings, broadcasts, etc. Please let us know if you need any help navigating through this awesome new feature! Have a great day!!
