Thursday, December 27, 2007

R.A.C.E. to the New Year

Here at FanBox, we strive for R.A.C.E., which stands for Radically Awesome Customer Experience. Over the past few months, we've eliminated several bugs that have allowed you to enjoy your experience on FanBox. In addition to fixing bugs on the site, we monitor the suggestion tool to gather and rank your ideas and requests. That's right! You set the priorities for FanBox. That's what I call R.A.C.E. Make sure to vote for suggestions so we can accurately prioritize your suggestions.

And because of your votes in the suggestion tool, we're happy to announce our new and improved Who's Online application which will be launching shortly. We're also adding a couple of features you've entered from the suggestion tool. Check them out:

Search by Country - You have the choice to view and chat with online users from all countries or a specific country.

Controlling Online Status - Receive IM messages when you want by setting your online status to appear online or offline.

On behalf of the FanBox Team, I'd like to thank you for your suggestions and patience. You can expect more exciting products and enhancements as we head towards 2008.

Happy Holidays!

- Victor