Wednesday, February 6, 2008

On FanBox, everyday is SUPER TUESDAY

Last night I was watching the news coverage of our presidential primaries and behind all of the rhetoric, posturing and analysis, one thing became quite clear to me – Americans last night came out in droves to make their voices heard. Voters wanted to see change and wanted to do something about it. And I know it is no different everywhere else in the world. The power of communication compels action and last night, we saw a glimpse of it.

Here at FanBox, we want to hear your voice. You matter and your communication will compel us to fix it, enhance it, change it, improve it, delete it or any other action you need us to do. Take advantage of the communication tools we have for you on your profile. Click on the “Suggest!” link and share your ideas about how we should improve your FanBox. Better yet, click on “Who’s Online?” and start a dialogue with your FanBox members. There’s a lot of interesting people out there that want to be heard and are willing to hear you too.

Until next blog,