Saturday, April 26, 2008

Deleting Fans from your profile

A girl can never have too many fans! Or can she?

Hi FanBox Fans! Are you guilty of frivolous Fan’ing? Have you accepted a Fan request you later regretted? Does the cutie you were chatting with last night seem less appealing then you remembered? Fret no more!

FanBox now features a fix to excessively friendly Fan finding! It may be a tongue twister, but I know you’re going to love it! The “Remove Fan” feature will allow you to delete unwanted Fans from your Fan list.

Are you tired of Ashley’s constant nagging? Delete her. Do you wish Stephen would just get a life? Delete him. Don’t remember who HotStuff522 is?

Start fine tuning your Fans base by opening your Fans list, finding the Fan you want to delete, and clicking “Remove Fan.” It couldn’t be easier!

Happy deleting!


Friday, April 11, 2008

As simple as "Point and Click"

What's happening FanBox Fans? Lots of things are going on here at the company. One such thing is our continued focus on serving you with fun and challenging web applications. Check out FanBox profiles and you'll see a ton of games, quizzes, social apps, videos and more. When you see something you like, simply point and click, and "BAM", it's yours to enjoy on your very own FanBox profile. And believe me, there's something for everyone. Case in point, take FanBox's very own Jenna. She's a big fan of games, she's uber competitive and has a love for primates. She happens to see "Monkey Kick Ball" on Erick’s profile and in an instant she's kicking that ball to her heart's content. Best of all, Jenna can share her scores with her friends and expose their "monkey kick ball" skills.

More and more applications are loaded daily and there's so many to enjoy here on FanBox. Check out these games by pointing and clicking, that's it. And get ready for the fun. Also, we always want to know what you think so on every profile there’s a "Suggest!" link for you to give us your feedback.

Until next blog, thank you for supporting FanBox and letting your friends know about the cool things to do on your profile.

Go Kick that Monkey!


Friday, April 4, 2008

Latest Product Updates

Hey everyone! We're very excited to announce the launch some cool additions to FanBox.

Your Own FanBox Email and Personal URL
Now everyone can get their own free email address. You should all get yours before someone else takes it. I've already got mine set in stone. =) In addition to creating a FanBox email address, you'll also have your own unique personal URL to share with your friends and family. It’s a great way to share your photos, blogs, games and applications with everyone.

IM Block/Reporting and Appearing Offline
We've received a handful of feedback from users using the "Who's On" feature. We've added the ability block/unblock as well as a way for you to appear offline if you're receiving too many chat messages. You'll find both of those options on the bottom of the chat windows.

We'll be launching many more useful features to the site shortly. As requested, you'll soon be able to delete unwanted fans from your profile. =)

Send me a chat message if you ever see me online. I'd be more than happy to answer any questions you have about FanBox.
