Friday, April 4, 2008

Latest Product Updates

Hey everyone! We're very excited to announce the launch some cool additions to FanBox.

Your Own FanBox Email and Personal URL
Now everyone can get their own free email address. You should all get yours before someone else takes it. I've already got mine set in stone. =) In addition to creating a FanBox email address, you'll also have your own unique personal URL to share with your friends and family. It’s a great way to share your photos, blogs, games and applications with everyone.

IM Block/Reporting and Appearing Offline
We've received a handful of feedback from users using the "Who's On" feature. We've added the ability block/unblock as well as a way for you to appear offline if you're receiving too many chat messages. You'll find both of those options on the bottom of the chat windows.

We'll be launching many more useful features to the site shortly. As requested, you'll soon be able to delete unwanted fans from your profile. =)

Send me a chat message if you ever see me online. I'd be more than happy to answer any questions you have about FanBox.
